Conferences and Workshops

From Curiosity to Confidence: Building Engagement in Early Childhood Classrooms

Engagement is the cornerstone of effective early childhood education, fostering curiosity, confidence, and a strong foundation for future success. This session highlights how the Playful Learning model combines research and hands-on practices to create classrooms that captivate and inspire young learners, while preparing them for success as they transition into Kindergarten and the K-12 environment.

EdSHARe: Repurposing Two Large, Representative, and Diverse Education Cohort Studies for Research on How Education Shapes Later-Life Health and Cognition

The US Department of Education conducts cohort studies every decade on nationally representative high school students, collecting data from various sources. An interdisciplinary team of researchers has repurposed two cohort studies from the 1970s (National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class (NLS-72)) and 1980s (High School and Beyond (HSB)) to study aging and later life well-being. These longitudinal studies provide an excellent opportunity for STEM education researchers to learn about the long-term impact of a wealth of educational experiences. This talk will provide information about the 2021 HSB and 2025 NLS-72 follow-ups, featuring measures of cognitive functioning, health, and socioeconomic outcomes, along with surveys, cognitive assessments, health visits, biomarkers, and administrative records. It will also explain how to gain access to the data. These efforts are part of the Education Studies for Healthy Aging Research (EdSHARe) project. More information is available at

International AIDS Economics Network (IAEN) online forum – join the dialogue!

The International AIDS Economics Network (IAEN) is an organization founded in 1993, with the objective of encouraging economists and policymakers to discuss issues of AIDS and economics. IAEN will be holding an online discussion forum on Efficiency and Effectiveness in the context of HIV and AIDS in April and May. Experts from a variety of organizations and disciplines will be posting short discussion pieces on various aspects of this topic. This forum is designed to encourage online discussion among members, and IAS members are also invited to join the dialogue.

20th Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD) Conference

The Twentieth BREAD Conference on Development Economics will be held on 23-24 September, 2011, in Paris, France. It will be sponsored by Actors, Markets and Institutions in Development Countries (AMID) and the Center for Economic Policy and Research (CEPR). The deadline for submissions is 18:00 GMT on Friday June 17, 2011. Please email your submission to Nadine Clarke. Papers will be selected by the Scientific Committee. The Committee members are Abhijit Banerjee (MIT, BREAD and CEPR), Robin Burgess (LSE, BREAD and CEPR) and Marc Gurgand (PSE).

Call for Papers: 20th Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD) Conference

The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD) and the Actors, Markets, and Institutions in Developing Countries: A micro-empirical approach (AMID), Marie Curie Initial Training Network are joining forces this year to host a Development Economics Conference at the Paris School of Economics on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 September, 2011.

33rd Annual Minority Health Conference: Registration now open

The UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and the Minority Student Caucus invite you to attend the 33rd Annual Minority Health Conference, “Translational Research: The Road from Efficacy to Equity". The conference will be held on February 24, 2012 at the William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education. This year's keynote speakers include Ana Diez-Roux, an expert in epidemiology and neighborhood health effects, and Nina Wallerstein, an expert in community-based participatory research.