Duke was selected as the new editorial home of Demography, the flagship journal of the Population Association of America, for the next three years starting on July 1, 2025.
DUPRI’s Hedy Lee (Sociology), M. Giovanna Merli (Public Policy and Sociology) and Marcos A. Rangel (Public Policy and Economics) will be the Lead (co)Editors. They will be joined by a multi-disciplinary team of Deputy Editors including DUPRI’s Christina Gibson-Davis, Scott Lynch, Jim Moody, Bill Pan, and Chris Wildeman, along with colleagues from many other institutions and population research centers in the US and around the world.
This good news is a recognition of DUPRI scholars' large networks of collaborations with demographers and population scientists across the U.S. and with the major centers of demographic research around the world, as well as of Duke’s leadership in interdisciplinary population and population health research. This is the third time in the past three decades that DUPRI scholars are selected to edit Demography, with Phil Morgan (Duke Sociology) and Barbara Entwisle (UNC Sociology) as co-editors in 1999-2001 and Ken Land (Duke Sociology) as editor in 2008-2010.
The new co-editors’ main goals will be to (1) maintain the core topics of demography, (2) continue to highlight impactful research in social, economic, and health demography, and (3) tackle timely issues where demography provides essential tools and insights. The team will also encourage research that integrates demographic perspectives and methods with diverse disciplinary perspectives from biology, economics, environmental sciences, geography, psychology and neuroscience, public health, and sociology to address major contemporary societal issues and their population causes and consequences from past to present and into the future and across the globe.
In 2021, Demography moved from Springer to an open access platform with Duke University Press. This transition has increased the visibility of the journal and opened the door to further impacts across multiple fields. "The journal is in excellent shape, thanks to Sara Curran’s leadership (University of Washington Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology), her stewardship in advancing open access publishing, and the wealth of knowledge she has shared with our team," say Hedy, Giovanna and Marcos.
DUPRI is honored to be selected again and to support outstanding population and population health research. Duke was selected as the new editorial home of Demography, the flagship journal of the Population Association of America, for the next three years starting on July 1, 2025.