Past DUPRI Seminars

Fall 2024
Date Speaker Talk Title Position Institution
8/29/2024   Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar Organizational Meeting    
9/05/2024 Jenna Nobles

Race and Childbearing in the US: Infertility as a Pressing Form of Reproductive Inequity

Professor of Demography University of California, Berkeley
9/12/2024 Jennie Romich

Amy Hawn Nelson
Expanding the field of integrated administrative data: National perspectives and new work in Washington State Director, West Coast Poverty Center & Professor of Social Work

Research Faculty & Director of Training and Technical Assistance at Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy

University of Washington

University of Pennsylvania

9/26/2024 Kevin J.A. Thomas Global inequalities in U.S. visa rejection rates: Evidence from the outcomes of U.S visa applications submitted over the past two decades. Director, Institute of Urban Policy Research and Analysis
Professor of African and African Diaspora Studies and Sociology
University of Texas at Austin
10/03/2024 Warren Lowell

DOHA*: Are they insecure? Housing arrangements and residential mobility among families with children.

Graduate Student, Sanford School of Public Policy Duke University
10/10/2024 Lindsay Yingzhi Xu

DOHA*: Using a Linked Dataset to Study the Spatial and Social Integration of Chinese Immigrants in a New Area of Destination.

Graduate Student, Sociology Duke University
10/17/2024 Tod Hamilton Rethinking the Past and Future of (Im)migrant Integration Professor of Sociology Princeton University
10/24/2024 Andy Fenelon Understanding the Structural Determinants of Population Health: Housing Assistance and Lead Exposure in the United States Associate Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health University of Minnesota
10/31/2024 Felipe Barrera-Osorio Compensation vs. Reinforcement: Experimental Identification of Parental Aversion to Inequality in Offspring Associate Professor of Public Policy, Education and Economics Vanderbilt University
11/07/2024 Alexandra Killewald Trends in the Gender Pay Gap: Narrowing Starting Gaps and Persistent Life-Course Divergence Professor of Sociology University of Michigan
11/14/2024 David Figlio How population-level matched birth-school administrative records can address public health and education policy questions Provost and Gordon Fyfe Professor of Economics and Education University of Rochester
11/21/2024 Ingela Alger On the evolutionary foundations of intra-family resource sharing CNRS Senior Researcher in Economics Toulouse School of Economics
12/05/2024 Omar Karlsson DOHA*: Global health 2050: the path to halving premature death by mid-century Visiting Fellow, DUPRI Duke University

*DOHA (Demography of Health and Aging) seminars are predoctoral student-led seminars.

Spring 2024

1/11/2024        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*), Laura Stilwell, "The Causal Impact of Poverty Reduction on Housing Conditions of Low-Income, U.S. Children: Evidence from Baby’s First Years"

1/18/2024        Lucie Schmidt, Robert A. Woods Professor of Economics, Smith College, "The Impact of Expanding Public Health Insurance on Safety Net Program Participation: Evidence from the ACA Medicaid Expansion"

1/25/2024        John MacDonald, Professor of Criminology and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, "Lessons Learned From a Citywide Abandoned Housing Experiment"

2/01/2024        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*), Fatima Fairfax, "The Impact of Personal Health Technology on Shared Decision Making in Healthcare"

2/08/2024        Lindsey Bullinger, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Georgia Tech University, "Effects of Universal and Unconditional Cash Transfers on Child Abuse and Neglect"

2/15/2024        Anna Gassman-Pines, Professor of Public Policy and Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University, "How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Low-Wage Working Families?"

2/22/2024        Laura Tozer, Assistant Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto, "Addressing Energy Poverty with Climate Action"

2/29/2024        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*), David Rigby, "Historical Sundown Towns and the Racialization of Contemporary Park Usage" & Madelynn Wellons, "Networks and Health: What Determines a Disability Identity"

3/07/2024        Emilio Zagheni, Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, "Global Improvements in the Representation of Women in Science Have Stalled"

3/21/2024        Sarah Font, Associate Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, Pennsylvania State University, "Is Less Better? Revisiting the Role of Child Protection and Justice Systems within Vulnerable Families"

3/28/2024        Brittany Street, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Missouri, "Convictions, Incarceration, and Earnings in an Event Studies Framework"

4/04/2024        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*), Garrett Baker & Renzo Severino

4/11/2024        Seth Pollak, Bascom-Vaughan Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "Re-thinking Adversity: Early Life Stress from the Child's Perspective"

(*) Demography of Health and Aging (DOHA) seminars are predoctoral student-led seminars.

Fall 2023

08/31/2023        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*)

09/07/2023        Sergio Urzua, Professor of Economics, University of Maryland. "Teacher Quality and Learning Inequality"

09/21/2023        Michal Engelman, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Research on Epigenetics, Weathering, and Residential Disadvantage (REWARD)"

09/28/2023        Mathew Hauer, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Florida State University. "Climate Migration Amplifies Demographic Change and Population Aging"

10/05/2023        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*), Amelia Pittman, "Gerrymandering and Infant Mortality" & Brenda Onyango, "Racial and Gender Differences in Patient-Centered Communication Among Older Adults"

10/12/2023        Atheendar Venkataramani, Assistant Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. "Rationing By Race"

10/19/2023        Steven Austad, Distinguished Professor of Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham. "A 150-year-old (wo)man: the problems and the promise"

10/26/2023        Aaron Reuben, Postdoctoral Scholar in Neuropsychology and Environmental Health, Duke University. "Neighborhood disadvantage and the geography of dementia"

11/02/2023        Melissa Kearney, Professor of Economics, University of Maryland. "The Cyclicality of Births and Babies' Health, Revisited: Evidence from Unemployment Insurance"

11/16/2023        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*), Isabella Bouklas, "Religiosity and Chronic Stress" & Amelia Pittman, "Gerrymandering and Population Health"

11/30/2023        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*), Ruth Wygle, "State-level Changes in Community Supervision Rates and Racial Disparities in the 21st Century"

(*) Demography of Health and Aging (DOHA) seminars are predoctoral student-led seminars.

Spring 2023

1/12/2023        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*), Ruth Wygle. "Variation in mortality risk while incarcerated by confinement facility type and hold status"

1/19/2023        Herman Pontzer, Associate Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke University. "Effects of Lifestyle and Aging on Human Energy Expenditure"

2/02/2023        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*), Garrett Baker. "What Parents Want: The Cross-Generational Consequences of Sibling Institutional Troubles"

2/09/2023        Andrew Ledford, Permanent Military Professor, United States Naval Academy, and Scott Lynch, Professor of Sociology, Duke University. "The Role of Grit, Hardiness, Resilience, and Mindfulness in Successful Completion of Navy SEAL Training"

2/16/2023        Michael Esposito, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Washington in St. Louis. "Historical Redlining and Contemporary Racial Disparities in Neighborhood Life Expectancy"

3/02/2023        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*), Lindsay Yingzhi Xu. "Social Relationship Trajectories and Health Outcomes in Later Life"

3/23/2023        Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Minnesota. "The Distribution of Infection in the Early 20th Century United States -- And Why It Might Still Matter Today"

3/30/2023        Sarah Burgard, Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan. "Remembrance of things past? Measuring life course exposures as determinants of health"

4/06/2023        Michelle White, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Duke University School of Medicine. "From Risk to Resilience: Fostering Strengths to Achieve Child Health Equity"

(*) Demography of Health and Aging (DOHA) Seminars are Predoctoral student led seminars

Fall 2022

9/8/2022        Sara Curran, Professor, Jackson School of International Studies, Sociology, & Public Policy & Governance, University of Washington. "A Scoping Literature Review of the Determinants of Family Planning, 2000-2016: What Can be Inferred from Patterns of Knowledge Production, Diffusion, Methodological Approaches & Scientific Impact?"

9/15/2022        Gregory Samanez-Larkin, Jack H. Neely Associate Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University. "Emotion and Motivation in the Aging Brain"

9/22/2022        Patrick Sharkey, Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University. "Some Hopeful Evidence on Guns in the U.S."

9/29/2022        Charles Nunn, Gosnell Family Professor in Global Health & Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke University. "Shining Evolutionary Light on Human Health in Madagascar"

10/6/2022        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*). Sarah Petry.

10/13/2022         Jenny Trinitapoli, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago. "Ten years in Balaka, Malawi: An excerpt from in-progress book manuscript, An Epidemic of Uncertainty"

10/20/2022        Brielle Bryan, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Rice University. "Maternal Wealth Implications of Child Incarceration"

10/27/2022       Carmen Gutierrez, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, UNC. "Community Supervision and Health among Latina Women: Understanding Gendered and Racialized Patterns"

11/3/2022        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*). Allison Stolte.

11/10/2022          Jennifer Dowd, Professor of Demography and Population Health, University of Oxford. "Demographic insights into the COVID-19 pandemic"

11/17/2022        Jamie Justice, Assistant Professor of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Wake Forest University School of Medicine. "Breaking Ground in Translational Geroscience: from biomarkers to clinical trials"

12/1/2022        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*).

12/8/2022        Robert Apel, Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University. "Mass Incarceration, Aging, and the Life Course"

(*) Demography of Health and Aging (DOHA) Seminars are Predoctoral student led seminars

Spring 2022

1/13/2022        David A. Bennett, Robert C. Borwell Professor of Neurological Sciences, Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush University Medical Center. "Mixed Pathologies, Risk Factors, Resilience and Personalized Medicine for ADRD."

1/20/2022        Amada Armentra, Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Luskin School of Public Affairs, UCLA. “Immigrants and the Law: Crafting Moral Selves in the Face of Immigration Control.”

1/27/2022        Leah Richmond-Rakerd, Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Clinical Science area at the University of Michigan. "Mental disorders and population healthspan: Insights from nationwide registers."

2/10/2022        Maria G. Rendon, Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy, Department of Urban Planning and Public Policy, UC Irvine. “Stagnant Dreamers: How the Inner City Shapes the Integration of Second Generation Latinos.”

2/17/2022        Greg Duncan, Distinguished Professor, School of Education and Departments of Economics and Psychology and Social Behavior, University of California at Irvine, “The causal impact of poverty reduction on infants and their families.” 

2/24/2022        Maria Glymour, Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, UCSF. “Alzheimer's disease and dementia: learning more with instrumental variables-inspired approaches"

3/3/2022          Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*). Ruth Wygle, Predoctoral Student,  Department of Sociology and Garrett Baker, Predoctoral Student, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke. TBD.

3/17/2022        Vadim N. Gladyshev,  Professor of Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. "Systems Aging and Rejuvenation."

3/24/2022        Kenneth M. Langa, Cyrus Sturgis Professor of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan. “Cognitive Aging, Dementia, and the Future of an Aging Society.”

4/14/2022        Yu Xie, Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Sociology, Princeton. “The Impact of Economic Inequality on Social and Demographic Outcomes in China.”

(*) Demography of Health and Aging (DOHA) Seminars are Predoctoral student led seminars

Fall 2021

9/2/2021       Tyson Brown, Associate Professor of Sociology, Duke University. “Structural Racism and Health: A New Theoretically-Driven Empirical Approach.”

9/9/2021       Anna Rybinska, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Center for Child and Family Policy, Duke University. “Connections between Birth Order, Birth Spacing, and Child Mistreatment: Population-Level Estimates.”

9/16/2021     Vida Maralani, Associate Professor of Sociology, Cornell University. “Early childhood investments and women’s employment across the life course.”

9/23/2021     Xi Song, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania. “Racial Difference in Exposure to Unemployment: A Kinship Perspective.”  

9/30/2021     Marwa AlFakhri, Predoctoral Student, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University. “Out of Sight, but not Out of Mind: Information, Efficiency and the Extended Family.”

10/7/2021     Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*) Christina Kamis, Predoctoral Student, Duke Department of Sociology. “The Long-Term Impact of Childhood Adversity on Mental Health Trajectories in Adulthood"

10/14/2021   Christopher Timmins, Professor of Economics, Duke University. "Detecting Discrimination: Combining Experimental and Structural Techniques."

10/21/2021   Ellis Monk, Associate Professor of Sociology, Harvard University, "Inequality without Groups"

10/28/2021   Grant Miller, Professor of Medicine, Stanford University. “Anti-Poverty Programs, Human Trafficking, and Child Labor: Evidence from Brazil’s Bolsa Familia Program” 

11/4/2021     Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*) Sarah Petry, Predoctoral Student, Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. "Transitions in Older Adulthood and Life Expectancy: A Life Course Approach."  Allison Stolte, Predoctoral Student, Department of Sociology, Duke University. "State-level Contexts and Birth Outcomes: Do Types of Public Policy Approaches Shape Birth Outcomes?"

11/11/2021   Kelly Musick, Professor and Department Chair of Policy Analysis and Management and Professor of Sociology, Cornell University. “State-level Gender Inequality and Couples’ Relative Earnings Following Parenthood”

11/18/2021   V. Joseph Hotz, Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Duke University, and Kathleen Cagney, Professor of Sociology and Director of ISR, University of Michigan.  “Collaborative for Innovation in Data & Measurement in Aging: Overview.

(*) Demography of Health and Aging (DOHA) Seminars are predoctoral student led seminars

Spring 2021

DUPRI  Seminars will be held via Zoom, generally from 3:30 to 5:00 PM PM on Thursdays during the semester as indicated below.  To obtain Zoom Link, please email:

1/21/2021       Demography of Health and Aging Seminar (*) Ruth Wygle and Anna Hollerman, Predoctoral students Department of Sociology, "The Resilience of Female Clergy: Gender and the Relationship Between Occupational Distress and Mental Health Among Congregational Leaders," and "Need relief? Call your local jail. Plans for a dissertation on the topic of jail leasing 

1/28/2021       Jerome Reiter,  Department Chair and Professor of Statistical Science, Duke University, “Providing Access to Confidential Research Data”

2/4/2021        Demography of Health and Aging Student Seminar (*). Samuel Fishman, Postdoctoral Associate, Duke Sociology, presents, "Cumulative Disadvantage and Birthweight: Racial and Ethnic Infant Health Disparities across Age and Nativity." Sarah Petry, Predoctoral Student, Sanford School of Public Policy, presentsLong-Term Health Outcomes of Medicaid Access in Childhood” 

2/11/2021       Hedwig Lee, Professor of Sociology and Associate Director for the Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Equity, Washington University in St. Louis, “Understanding historical legacies of racial violence and its population health consequences” 

2/18/2021       V. Joseph Hotz, Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Economics, Duke University, and Kathleen Cagney,  "The Add Health Parent Study: Overview & Initial Findings"

2/25/2021       Avshalom Caspi, Edward M. Arnett Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University, “Charting Mental Disorders from Childhood to Midlife”

3/4/2021          Allison Aiello, Professor of Epidemiology, the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, “Stressors, immunity, and infection: New pathways to cognitive impairment and dementia?"

3/11/2021       Noreen Goldman, Hughes-Rogers Professor of Demography and Public Affairs, Harvard University  and Theresa Andrasfay, PhD, Princeton University, “Racial and Ethnic Differentials in COVID-19 Mortality”

3/18/2021       Emily Hannum, Professor of Sociology and Education, Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, ”Educational System Consolidation: "The Case of China’s Rural School Closure Initiative” 

3/25/2021       Herbert Smith, Professor of Sociology, the University of Pennsylvania, “Population Aging: On the Future of a Delusion

4/1/2021          Demography of Health and Aging seminar (*).  Lindsay Xu, Predoctoral student, Department of Sociology, “Mate Preferences in Online Dating: Evidence from a Chinese Online Dating Website”

4/8/2021          Mario Small, Grafstein Family Professor of Sociology, Harvard University, “Financial Institutions, neighborhoods, and racial inequality.”  

4/15/2021       Kenneth Ferraro, Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Director, Center on Aging and the Life Course, Purdue University,  “Early Social Origins and Mediators of Biological Risks in Later Life”

4/22/201          Kasey Buckles, Brian and Jeannelle Brady Associate Professor of Economics, Notre Dame University, "Family Trees and Falling Apples: Intergenerational Mobility Estimates from U.S. Genealogy Data."

(*) Demography of Health and Aging (DOHA) Seminars are predoctoral student led seminars

Fall 2020

DUPRI Seminars will be held via Zoom, generally from 3:30 to 5:00 PM PM on Thursdays during the semester as indicated below.  To obtain Zoom Link, please email:

9/3/2020         Patrick Heuveline, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, "I Heard We Had the Best Mortality Rate"  Some Old and a New Mortality Indicator for COVID-19 Analyses      

9/10/2020       Lisa Gennetian,  Pritzker Associate Professor of Early Learning Policy Studies, Duke University. " Hispanic families and U.S. anti-poverty programs: Policy, practice, and uptake.                  

9/17/2020        Jennie Brand, Professor of Sociology and Statistics, University of California, Los Angeles, “Uncovering College Effect Heterogeneity using Machine Learning.”

9/24/2020        William Copeland, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Vermont and Kenneth A. Dodge, William McDougall Distinguished Professor of Public Policy Studies, Duke University. "The Great Smoky Mountain Study"  

10/1/2020         Demography of Health and Aging Seminar (*). Samuel Fishman, Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Sociology, Duke,"Education and Income Mobility among the Children of Asian American Immigrants."    

10/8/2020         Christopher Uggen, Regents Professor and Distinguished McKnight Professor of Sociology and Law at the University of Minnesota and a Fellow of the American Society of Criminology, "Crime, Politics, and Punishment in the Life Course: Spillovers and the Stickiness of Public Labels"

10/15/2020      Trevon Logan, Hazel C. Youngberg Distinguished Professor of Economics, Ohio State University, "Physician Bias and Racial Disparities in Health: Evidence from Veterans' Pensions.

10/29/2020       Demography of Health and Aging Seminar (*). Jessica West, Predoctoral Student, Department of Sociology, Duke and Christina Kamis, Predoctoral Student, Department of Sociology, Duke, "Overcrowding, Poverty, and COVID-19 Deaths across U.S. Counties: Are Disparities Growing Over Time?"

11/5/2020         Deepak Kumar, Director, Julius L. Chambers Biomedical/Biotechnology Research Institute (BBRI), North Carolina Central University, "ACCORD to Understand the Impact of COVID19 on the Underserved North Carolinians"

11/12/2020        Angela, O'Rand, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Duke University, "Landfall after the Perfect Storm: Cohort Differences in the Relationship between Debt and Risk of Heart Attack"           

11/19/2020       Robert Hummer, Howard W. Odum Distinguished Professor of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, "Enduring Inequities: Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities among US Adults (With a Lagniappe on Add Health Data Availability and Future Plans)"

(*) Demography of Health and Aging (DOHA) Seminars are predoctoral student led seminars

Spring 2020

1/9/2020        Demography of Aging Training Seminar: Sarah Cross, Predoctoral Student, Department of Sociology, Duke University, "Changes in Place of Death in the United States."

1/16/2020      Thomas McDade, Professor  of Anthropology and Faculty Fellow, Institute for Policy Research and Director, Laboratory for Human Biology Research,  Northwestern University, “Three common assumptions about inflammation and aging that are probably wrong.”

1/23/2020      Michela Carlana, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School, “Revealing Stereotypes: Evidence from Immigrants in Schools.”

1/30/2020      Arnaud Maurel, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics , Duke University, "Fertility and Uncertainty."  

2/13/2020     Demography of Aging Training Seminar: Jessica West, Predoctoral Student, Department of Sociology, Duke University,  "Examining Longitudinal Healthcare Utilization, Outcomes, and Satisfaction in Older Adults with Sensory Impairments."   

2/20/2020      Jayanti Owens, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Brown University, "What Drives Racial/Ethnic Disparities in School Discipline?'

2/27/2020      Christopher Wildeman, Professor of Policy analysis and Management and Sociology; Associate Vice Provost for the Social Sciences; Director of the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research; Director of the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect, Cornell University, "Paternal Incarceration and Birth Outcomes: Evidence from New York City, 2010-2016."

3/5/2020       Demography of Aging Training Seminar: Ruth Wygle ("The effect of confinement conditions on recidivism: a look at the practice of jail leasing by a state prison system") and Anna Holleman, ("The Paradox of Mental Health Services in Religious Congregations: The Impact of Orientations Toward Spiritual and Secular Healing"). Wygle and Holleman are Post Doctoral Students, Department of Sociology, Duke University.

Fall 2019

09/05/2019   Jane Waldfogel, Compton Foundation Centennial  Professor of Social Work for the Prevention of Children's and Youth Problems,  Columbia School of Social Work and Co-director of the Columbia Population Research Center, “Understanding the effects of paid family and medical leave on employers”

09/12/2019   Gregory Samanez-Larkin, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University, “Motivation in the Aging Brain

09/19/2019   Maya Rossin-Slater,  Assistant Professor, Department of Health Research and Policy, Stanford University School of Medicine, “When Dad Can Stay Home: Fathers' Workplace Flexibility and Maternal Health

09/26/2019    Jennifer Barber,  Research Professor, Population Studies Center and Associate Chair, Sociology, the University of Michigan, “The Social Context of Influence, Coercion, and Control: Intimate Relationships and Reproductive Behaviors”

10/03/2019    Molly Copeland, PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology, Duke University, Title: When the Ties that Bind Cut: Self-harm and Peer Networks in Adolescence and Samuel H. Fishman, PhD, Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Sociology, Duke University,Title: Maternal age at Birth and Offspring’s Education and Health Outcomes: Reviewing Past Research and Future Directions

10/10/2019    Daniel  Lichter,  Director of the Institute for the Social Sciences, Professor of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University  “The Urbanization of Rural America: Shifting Rural-Urban Boundaries and the Places Left Behind”

10/17/2019   Kate Cagney, Director, Population Research Center , NORC, and Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago, "Activity Space, Social Interaction and Health in Later Life"

10/24/2019  Susan Short,  Director, Population Studies and Training Center, Professor,  Department of Sociology, Brown University  Director, Population Studies and Training Center, Professor,  Department of Sociology,  Brown University , "Sex, Gender and Demography."

10/31/2019  Dean Spears,  Faculty Research Associate, Population Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, “Maternal nutrition and early life health in India: Puzzles and evidence from birth order “

11/07/2019 Miles Marsala, PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology, Duke University Title: Disparities in cardiovascular disease and the Great Recession: Did disparities in heart disease narrow or widen since the Great Recession? and Scott Lynch, Professor, Department of Sociology, Duke University  Title: Consequences of ignoring seemingly ignorable competing risks: Some interesting differences between hazard model and multistate life table results.

11/14/2019   Gale Boyd,  Associate Research Professor in Economics, Duke University, Research Opportunities Using Non-Public Data Available in Duke's Federal Statistical Research Data Center

11/21/2019  Stefanos Tyrovolas,  Parc Sanitari San Joan de Deu, Barcelona, Spain, Aging and sarcopenia: evaluation, determinants and burden in the USA

12/05/2019  Demography of Aging Training Seminar- Christina Kamis Title: Measuring Childhood Adversity: Latent Class Analysis with Distal Outcomes